Callaham Mexican Standard Tremolo Block, Right Hand
Price: $71.00
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This trem block replaces the stock zinc block in the following guitars without modification:
- Mexican Standard Series Strats® with 6 pivot bridge and 2-1/16" string spacing
- Mexican Classic Player Strats® with 2 pivot bridge and 2-1/16" string spacing
- Highway 1 Strats® (2006 and later) with 6 pivot bridge, 2-1/16" string spacing, and 2-7/32" mounting spacing
- American Specials with 6 pivot bridge, 2-1/16" string spacing, and 2-7/32" mounting spacing
- 2019 and later Fender Player MIM Strat and Fender Vintera Modified Strat with made in China Ping bridge
Note that the metric arm that comes stock with Mexican Standard Strats® will not work with this block. Any 3/16" diameter 10-32 English thread tremolo arm will work, but we recommend the Callaham virtual pop-in arm for Callaham blocks.